Knowledge of incident investigation methods in ohs
Knowledge of incident investigation methods in ohs

knowledge of incident investigation methods in ohs knowledge of incident investigation methods in ohs

understand the basic accident theory “What causes accidents to occur?”.This course is suitable for use by anybody who has or may have responsibility for investigation of accidents or incidents in the workplace, including managers/supervisors, safety personnel and safety committee members.

knowledge of incident investigation methods in ohs

The purpose of proper skills in accident investigation is not related to finding blame or assigning responsibility for the occurrence, but to determine the root causes so that proper procedures and controls can be implemented to prevent any further occurrences.

knowledge of incident investigation methods in ohs

The course trains individuals in the skills of accident/incident investigation and will provide a functional mechanism for improving health and safety performance in the workplace. The definition and detail of and their role in workplace inspections.Their role in the accident/incident investigation process.The process and importance of hazard recognition, evaluation and control.How to establish an OH&S Committee and carry out associated duties.Their role in due diligence, right to refuse legislation and early and safe return to work programs.How to navigate the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations.Their legislative duties as OH&S Committee members.How to develop an OH&S policy and program.The definition and importance of an OH&S policy and program.Upon completion of “OH&S Committees” each participant will have an awareness of: Where 10 to 49 workers are employed at the workplace, the co-chairpersons of the OH&S Committee must be trained. Under the legislation, where 50 or more workers are employed at the workplace, all members of the OH&S Committee must be trained. Additionally, it is designed to provide members with an awareness of the role they can play in achieving a healthy and safe workplace and how to transfer this learning back to the company and their co-workers. This course has been developed by the Workplace, Health, Safety and Compensation Commission (WHSCC) to provide Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Committee members with the basic knowledge they require to fulfill their duties and responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations.

Knowledge of incident investigation methods in ohs